Best Places to Sail: Croatia

Places to Sail: Croatia - Hvar

Croatia with over 1200 islands is a fantastic place for sailors to explore. It offers quiet deserted bays and anchorages as well as lively cosmopolitan towns with amazing cultural heritage such as Hvar (seen on picture above).


Croatia has a rich history were Latin, Balkan and Slavic cultures have intermingled. The city Dubrovnik with his beautiful harbor has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and in «Harbors of Enchantment» Sylvia Kaul called Dubrovnik one of the most perfect harbors in the Mediterranean.


Summertime winds in the Adriatic are either the mistral, which blows from the northwest, the bora, a stronger, gustier wind from the northeast, and the sirocco, a light wind from the south.

Best time to sails: from spring to autumn sailing conditions are usually very good. July and August are the holiday seasons: crowded and more expensive.

More Information: Croatia National Tourist Board > Sailing and Nautics

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  1. Zarko Brajovic said:

    Great sailing place!!!

    Commented on March 22, 2012 at 8:00 pm

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