People Love Lighthouses


Nowadays, electronical systems, like GPS are widley used for navigation instead of the light list to indentify a lighthouse, estimate the distance and the positions of the boat.  Light lists are still available and hopefully, some sailors make still use of them.

Due to the expense of maintenance, the number of operational lighthouses have been declining. However, people still love lighthouses. They have become  tourist attractions  and many of them are open to the public. Their mysterious nature make lighthouses a frequent setting of movies.


Some historical facts nice to know….

What was the source of light?
Originally, the source of the light was an open fire or candles. Also whale oil was used with solid wicks. Later, around 1810, a parabolic reflector system was introduces. Lenses were used to concentrate the light from a continuouse source.


When were the first lighhouses build?
The first known lighthouse was the Pharos of Alexandria, Egypt, which was constructed around 280 B.C. It stood about 450 feet high (137 meter). It was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and was destroyed 1300 by invadors and earthquakes.

The oldest existing lighthouse in the world is said to be La Coruna in Spain. (around 20 B.C.) The roman lighthouse located on the cliffs of Dover in the U.K. was build in 40 A.D.

The first lighthouse in the U.S.A was in Boston, Little Brewster Island (1716). The Tower was destroyed by the British and rebuild in 1784.


The oldest existing and still operating lighthouses
The oldest extisting lighthouse in America is Sandy Hook (1764), New Jersey. It was origianlly called New York Lighthouse. Free tours are offert every day.
Images of Sanky Hook 

The Hook Lighthouse, is the oldest in Ireland and one of the oldest in Europe. In the 5th centurey, a fire beacon on the headland was set up as a warning to mariners.
Images of Hook Lighhouses


How to Sail with the aid of lightfires:

Light List of the United States Coast Guard.
Leuchtfeuerverzeichnis BSH
Admiralty Digital List of Lights (ADDL)



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