Portable Solar Power

Sun Power & Solar Panel for your devices on your Sailing Boat


Battery power can be a major concern on a sailing trip and it is good to be independent from regular power source. The conversion of sunlight into electricity becomes more and more popular.


With solar power all kind of different devices can be charged like

  • cameras
  • smart phones
  • laptops
  • torches
  • GPS

What you need is sunlight and a solar pack to collect and store power.


Plenty of portable solar packs are on the market. They vary in size and price, in how heavy or light they are, in there quality of weather resistance, and how fast they charge.


Goal Zero has a nice choice of different products, www.goalzero.com, (the educational section  «Watts going on» has some interesting stuff for those who want to know more about how it all works.) Or check www.voltaicsystem.com


Please comment, if you know of any other brands.








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