When is the Best Time to Sail in Turkey?

Sailing in Turkey

The South Coast of Turkey is one of the top sailing destinations in the Mediterranean Sea. The season starts in May and ends in October. Any time within the season sailing can be great. June however offers some very good reasons, why you might prefer it to other months in the season.


 Why June is the favorite sailing month in Turkey

  • The temperature are very pleasant (around 30 °C / 90 °F)
    In July and August it can get very (!) hot
  • The water is warm enough for a swim
  • Mostly westerly winds in the afternoons (3-5 Beaufort)
  • No storms like in October
  • No wasps. During the summer period they are desperate for water and any boat closed to them will be a welcoming target.  Anchorage in certain bays will not be possible anymore.
  • The charter prices are cheaper than in the high season July/August
  • Friendly people: the season is young, the people very motivated

At any time you can expect heavy unpredictable gusts. So have your sails accordingly.
Like anywhere else, a day without any wind of course is possible too.



Weather & Wind Forecast
As the region is very closed to Greece (Islands like Rhodos & Kos), the weather forecast from «Poseidon» (area of «Dodecanese») can be more accurate than the Turkey forecast. Check out different.


More details about sailing in Turkey soon.
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