10 Packing Tips for Your Next Charter Sailing Trip

We have put togther a mishmash of 10 practical items for your next sailing trip. This will make your life on board much more pleasant!   1. Ever thought to take a hammock to your next sailing trip? Rig the hammock between forestay & mast and enjoy your next nap at  ... [read more]
Inflatable Life Vest in Airplanes

Can your Life Jacket Fly?

  Is your life jacket a dangerous item, not to bring on an airplane? Or does the baggage policy of the airlines allow your inflatable life vest to fly with you on your next airplane journey?   Most likely yes – your life jacket can fly.   The  ... [read more]
First Aid: CPR

First Aid: Everyone should know about CPR

First Aid is important. In daily life as well as on board of a sailing ship. It is extremely helpful to visualize from time to time what to do in an emergency case. One should know how to do CPR. Here some refresh:   What is the purpose of CPR (Cardiopulmonary  ... [read more]
tide, flow, sailing, Red Wharf, Anglesey

Sailing Mobile Applications: «Tides & Currents»

  Depending on where you sail, the tide range can be very different. In places like the Caribbean and the Mediterranean, sailors usually do not have to worry much about the tide. Other popular sailing places like Canada, France or England can have high tidal ranges. In  ... [read more]