10 Packing Tips for Your Next Charter Sailing Trip

We have put togther a mishmash of 10 practical items for your next sailing trip.
This will make your life on board much more pleasant!


1. Ever thought to take a hammock to your next sailing trip? Rig the hammock between forestay & mast and enjoy your next nap at anchorage. Don’t do it while sailing!


2. Small Hygiene bags which you get very cheap in supermarkets back home but are usually not available in marina shops. They can make a big difference to your toilet convenience. Tell your crew to use them, close them neatly and put it in the bigger toilet plastic bag.


3. The Binoculars on charter boat are often in a bad shape. If you are a regular sailor it is worth the investment to buy one of your choice.


4. Mosquitoes are a real pain. They usually come at dusk, just in time when you want to relax from an exciting sailing day. Don’t let them spoil your sunset moments and use Mosquito repellent.


5. Whether it is cold or hot – your own duvet cover makes your sleep more comfortable. Be it as a stand alone item or to cover scratchy woolen blankets.


6. Plenty of «washing lines» on a sailing boat but usually no clothespin. Tell your crew to bring their own.


7. For Regular sailors, a privately owned handheld VHF Radio is a good investment. Radio messages can be heart and made easily from the steering wheel.


8. For safety reasons, toilets windows should be closed during windy sailing trips. With little fresh air, they become sticky. Why not freshen up with a room spray?


9. To protect your camera and other electronic items. a water proof bag is very usefully. It also helps to make dinghy transfer less stressful.


10. To have your documents in one place can save you a lot of time. The use of a simple spiral bound sheet protector, to organize your travel notes, crew information and other notes is a great way to have everything ready and put together.


And don’t forget:  Hard-sided suitcase are not convenient. Pack your items in a somehow foldable bag.


What are your favorite items to bring on your sailing trip? Please comment!

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  1. George Puharich said:

    Great list of important but often overlooked items for cruising/sailing. One thing I’d like to point out, though…”Dawn” is the time when you wake up after relaxing at “Dusk”, usually covered in mosquito bites if you’ve forgotten your bug repellent. Hah Hah!

    Commented on April 25, 2013 at 4:05 pm
    • Monika Decurtins said:

      Of course you are right George – its Dusk and not Dawn. Thanks for letting us know!

      Commented on April 26, 2013 at 1:09 pm
  2. Irene Phoenix said:

    I took a bag of citronela tealights, effective and atmospheric :) Also a roll of tinfoil to cover the grillpan..

    Commented on August 5, 2013 at 10:21 am

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