How to put a Sailing Boat in a Bottle


An  «imbossible bottle», is  a bottle with an object inside that does not appear to fit into the bottle. It is kind of a puzzle. The object is very often a ship. So how does the ship get into the bottle?

One of the easiest way is: to rig the mast of the ship and raise it when it is inside the bottle.


  1. Build the hull of the ship
  2. Build masts, spares and sails seperately
  3. Attach them to the hull with strings and hinges so the masts can lie flat agains the deck
  4. Place the ship inside the bottle
  5. Pull the masts up using the strings attached to the masts

The hull of the ship obviously must be able to fit the opening of the bottle.

Related Links:
A Video on YouTube which shows it quite nicely: How to put put a ship in a bottle


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