Sailing in Baja California Sur, Mexico

Sailing in Baja California


Baja California is a peninsula that extends 660 miles south of California border. It’s bounded on the east by the *Sea of Cortez (or Gulf of California), which separates the peninsula from the rest of Mexico. To the west is the Pacific.


The Sea of Cortes is very rich in marine life and offers lots of snorkeling and diving opportunities. *Gray whales are in this area from January through April. Besides whales also sea lions and different turtles are abundant.


There is Baja California Norte (sometimes simple called Baja) and Baja California Sur.


Baja California Sur is rich in minerals and unspoiled beaches. It attracts a lot of nautically minded visitors. It is quite dry all year round. Winters are warm, summers are hot. The farther north you go, the warmer it gets. The Coromuel wind is a weather phenomenon, unique to the La Paz area. The Coromuel wind occurs primarily in the late spring and summer. It is a south to south-west wind that typically starts late in the afternoon and blows throughout the night into the mid-morning. It can be very strong. It occurs only in the La Paz area, because this is the only place on the peninsula, that does not have a spine of mountains blocking such an air flow.


Most extensive yachting facilities you will find in La Paz, where there are lots of marinas and mooring facilities including *Marina de la Paz. The Sea of Cortez has a lot of very beautiful anchorage places like Agua Verde Cove.



*Related Links

Information on the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez) Link
Whale watching YouTube Video Link
Marina La Paz Link



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