An Online Visit to a National Maritime Museum

An online visit to the Maritime Museum Greenwich

You do not necessarily have to travel to Greenwich to visit the National Maritime Museum.
An online visit can also be quite interesting. We have picked 3 links to the website, which we like:

Follow James Cook Route

Did you know that during Thomas Cook’s expedition in 1778 he discovered the Hawaiian Islands? This and more information you find out when you follow his sailing route. An Animation very nicely done!


Search for the Northwest Passage
Many explorer risked their life to find a way through the Arctic. The search for a way to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific is an amazing part of maritime history and of the trade between Asian and Europe. Learn more …


Nelson’s Ship in a Bottle
This charming work of art from Yinka Shonibare is permanently placed at the museum. The 4 min. video does not only tell about this piece of art but also about other ship models and their way into a bottle.
Vimeo Link
Link Museum Website


Next to the National Maritime Museum is the newly re-opened Cutty Sark. An excellent exhibition and definitely worth a visit to Greenwich if you have the chance. 


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