How to Shoot Stunning Sailing-Pictures

To shoot pictures is easy – to shoot great pictures people love to see is not. 5 simple tipps how to get better results when taking your next pictures on your sailing boat:


1. Surprise with unexpected perspectives
Find ways to show situation or a part of the ship which are usually not seen from a regular point of view. Climb up the mast to have a bird’s eye view, put the camera just above water level, shoot from very low to get a frog perspectiv or take pictures from the windward side of your boat where the waves break instead of the lee side.


2. Make your crew look interesting
Sailing is a great sport and provides lots of amazing situations. Use snapshots when people are in action: setting the sails or working hard on the winch or having a chat during the captains’s hour.


3. Look for nautical close up
A sailing ship is the most photogenic vehicle. Make small things look big. And try out different perspectivs. Objects like knots, sailcloth and navigation instruments are very pictorial and emphasize the character of your boat.


4. Use panorama pictures to introduce places
Have you checked if your camera can make panorama pictures? Most cameras do and it is getting really easy. Use the function to show interesting coastlines, the anchorage place you plan to spend the night or marinas.


5. Be creative on a rainy day
Wet objects can reflect very nicely and are subject of many good pictures. Also the reflection of the water can provides unexpected chances to shoot stunning images. Look also for contrast: an orang boye in front of a grey and cloudy sky looks quite pretty. An use short exposure combined with back or side light to shoot a brilliantly clear raindrops.


You might find some good exemples on our «where to sail» page
Or feel free to archive your best pictures: Simply point on google map the location you took it, right a review and upload the picture here

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