How to Reef

How to Reef Mainsail

When to Reef is a difficult question – it depends on the size and stability of the boat, the skippers sailing skills and the crew. If you think about reefing, then is probably best you do it.


Reefing can be a boat-saving procedure. It reduces the surface area exposed to the wind and can give you more control of the boat in heavy weather.


What you should do first: Identify the Boat’s Reefing System and practice reefing at the dock.


The process for reefing differs from boat to boat, but there are some basics you should know:

  • Head into the wind, keep the boom as motionless as possible
  • Loosen the boom vang (kicking strap), the mainsail sheets and the halyard
  • Lower the sail just enough to align the desired row of reefing points with the boom
  • Tighten the jiffy line  – if the boat is rigged this way – if not:  Secure the reefing cringles by hand


Reef deeply: shorten the sail as much as possible the first time. It is easier to let it out than to reef twice.


Links you might like:

Finetuning a Roller-Reefing System: Link

Rigging your Boom with Jiffy Reefing Link



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