Sailing Saftey

5 Safety Rules your Crew should Know

Each member of a sailing crew must know some basics. A skipper should always give some brief instructions before a sailing trip and talk about safety and safety equipment.   It is much easier to do so, before a situation requires immediate action. One of top 5 safety  ... [read more]

Predicting the Weather with Clouds

From the shape, the movement and the height of clouds one can get interesting information on how the weather could change. Here are just a view tips:   By watching the movement of CIRRUS (high clouds) and the direction in which the streaks are pointed, you can get a  ... [read more]

How to Tie a Cleat Hitch

4 steps to remember how to tie a cleat hitch: Take the line to the ear of the cleat furthest from where the line comes from Take one wrap around the base of the cleat Start a figure 8 across the top of the opposite ear Finish with a half hitch turned under so  ... [read more]
How to Tie a Clove HItch

How to Tie a Trucker’s Hitch

The trucker’s hitch is a great knot to secure loads and tension lines. Watch our short Video:  [read more]
Nautical Flags

Boat Flags – and How to Fly Them

There are many different types of maritime flags. The four flags, mostly used on a sailing boat are the following ones:   Ensign (the national flag – of the boat, not the owner). You fly it from sunrise to sunset, usually from stern. Except when racing.  Note: The  ... [read more]

Mooring to a Buoy

  Most mooring consist of a ground chain attached to a heavy object that is buried in the sea bed or anchored at both sides. There is normally a ring on the top of the buoy to moor to. To make picking the mooring up easier, there is often a pick up line attached.  ... [read more]
Clove Hitch Video

Video (43 Sec): How to Tie a Clove Hitch

A clever and different way how to tie a clove hitch. Video 43 Sec.[read more]

Heavy Weather Sailing Tactics

  What is the best thing to do in a storm or thunderstorm?   There are a lot of different tactics and it depends a lot on the boat and the crew. The most common tactics are:   Shortening sail When the wind has increased, it is time to reef the sails. This is  ... [read more]

Video (55 Sec) : How to Tie a Bowline – differently

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Sailing Knots: Clove Hitch

How to Tie a Clove Hitch

  Sailing Knot Video 21 Seconds: How to tie a clove hitch, one of the most popular sailing knots.[read more]
How to choose an anchorage place

Choosing an Anchorage Place

  Above all what you should do is: Motor around and take a good look at the place – take your time and be patient.   4 important questions you should ask yourself:   1. How well protected is the place from weather, wind and waves Study your charts  ... [read more]
How to Reef Mainsail

How to Reef

When to Reef is a difficult question – it depends on the size and stability of the boat, the skippers sailing skills and the crew. If you think about reefing, then is probably best you do it.   Reefing can be a boat-saving procedure. It reduces the surface area  ... [read more]

How to Tie a Sheet Bend

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«Ready to Jibe»

A jibe or gybe is a sailing maneuver where a sailing vessel turns its stern through the wind, such that the wind direction changes from one side of the boat to the other. In this maneuver, the mainsail will cross the center of the boat while the jib is pulled to the other  ... [read more]
How to Tie a Fast Bowline

How to Tie a Fast Bowline

Sailing Knots-Video: 0.53 Min by Steve Colgate How to Tie a Fast Bowline  [read more]