Predicting the Weather with Clouds

From the shape, the movement and the height of clouds one can get interesting information on how the weather could change. Here are just a view tips:   By watching the movement of CIRRUS (high clouds) and the direction in which the streaks are pointed, you can get a  ... [read more]

How to put a Sailing Boat in a Bottle

  An  «imbossible bottle», is  a bottle with an object inside that does not appear to fit into the bottle. It is kind of a puzzle. The object is very often a ship. So how does the ship get into the bottle? One of the easiest way is: to rig the mast of the  ... [read more]

How to Shoot Stunning Sailing-Pictures

To shoot pictures is easy – to shoot great pictures people love to see is not. 5 simple tipps how to get better results when taking your next pictures on your sailing boat:   1. Surprise with unexpected perspectives Find ways to show situation or a part of the  ... [read more]