5 Safety Rules your Crew should Know

Sailing Saftey

Each member of a sailing crew must know some basics. A skipper should always give some brief instructions before a sailing trip and talk about safety and safety equipment.


It is much easier to do so, before a situation requires immediate action.

One of top 5 safety issues are:


1) Personal Flotation Device (PFD)

  • Hand out the PFD to everybody
  • Let them try it on and adjust if necessary
  • Make each person responsible to take care of the PFD by himself
  • Children under 12 must wear it all the time

2) Fire extinguisher
Locate the fire extinguisher and show how to release and use them


3) Radio
A cell phone might not always have a signal. It is always good to know how a VHF Radio works.
Explain everyone, how to make a distress call.


4) MoB (Men over Board) and how to prevent it.
To rescue somebody who has fallen over board is usually very difficult  – especially when the sea is rough.
Rule Nr. 1: Crew-members should do everything not to fall over board! Point that out clearly.
Explain the basics what to do if somebody falls over board – like to through life ring immediately, watch the person in the water continuously and point in his direction, so helmsmen can approach the person in the water more precisely.


5) How to use the engine and stear the boat
In a worst case scenario, the skipper might not be in charge of the boat anymore.  It would be helpful if at least one member of the crew knows how to start the engine and move the boat.


This are some basics. If you have anything to add – please tell us by leaving a comment. Thanks.

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