Jellyfish and Planktons

Plankton – Millions of it in a Teaspoon of Sea Water

What is Plankton? Let’s try to keep it simple. Its …. … an animal, plant or a bacteria … breakfast, lunch and dinner for fishes and whales ….a drifting organism that inhabits the ocean, sea or bodies of fresh water ….its mostly flows  ... [read more]
Sailing Antarctica

Sailing Antarctica

A very adventures part of the world for sailors is the continent Antarctica. Nearly twice the size of Australia, it is covered 98 % by ice, that averages at least 1 mile in thickness. It is the coldest, driest and windiest continent. During the winter months, temperatures  ... [read more]

How to Tie a Sheet Bend

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Stingray in deep water

Deep Ocean Mysteries

8:28 Video by TEDEducation about the deepest, darkest parts of the oceans with more diversity than a tropical rainforest. What we know about the ocean? Not very much. But enough to see how amazingly wonderful it is.[read more]
Perpetaul Ocean

Surface Currents of the Ocean

The Visualization from the Nasa «Perpetual Ocean» shows the Ocean Currents from June 2005 to December 2007    [read more]