How to Tie a Clove HItch

How to Tie a Trucker’s Hitch

The trucker’s hitch is a great knot to secure loads and tension lines. Watch our short Video:  [read more]
Clove Hitch Video

Video (43 Sec): How to Tie a Clove Hitch

A clever and different way how to tie a clove hitch. Video 43 Sec.[read more]

Video (55 Sec) : How to Tie a Bowline – differently

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Sailing Knots: Clove Hitch

How to Tie a Clove Hitch

  Sailing Knot Video 21 Seconds: How to tie a clove hitch, one of the most popular sailing knots.[read more]
Physics of Sailing

The Physics of Sailing

Sailing is a lot about Physics. Why is it possible, that sailing boats can move towards the wind? What has sailing to do with an airplane or a watermelon? And how wind and sails generate lifts: Good Video (9Min) by KQED Quest explaining it all:    [read more]
Stingray in deep water

Deep Ocean Mysteries

8:28 Video by TEDEducation about the deepest, darkest parts of the oceans with more diversity than a tropical rainforest. What we know about the ocean? Not very much. But enough to see how amazingly wonderful it is.[read more]
Perpetaul Ocean

Surface Currents of the Ocean

The Visualization from the Nasa «Perpetual Ocean» shows the Ocean Currents from June 2005 to December 2007    [read more]
Sailing in the Southern Ocean

How to Dress when Sailing in the Southern Ocean

The PUMA Volvo Ocean Team: Leg 5, New Zealand to Brazil: Souttern Ocean Half Way. What Sailing Dress do they wear?  [read more]
How to Tie a Fast Bowline

How to Tie a Fast Bowline

Sailing Knots-Video: 0.53 Min by Steve Colgate How to Tie a Fast Bowline  [read more]

Female Lobster: a Hard Life

After a month of walking, a female lobster is forced to fight for a breeding pit before laying her eggs. Nice images from BBC Wildlife. Video 3:11 Min.[read more]

How to Tie an Anchor Bend

Sailing knots-Video: 0.58 Min by Robby Robinson  [read more]