Sailing Glossary

Learn the Lingo: Part I

Communication on board is important. It helps, if everyone understands some basics sailing terms. Part I in English:   Bow The front of the boat Stern The back of the boat Port The left side of the boat when facing forward Starboard The right side of the boat when  ... [read more]
How to Reef Mainsail

How to Reef

When to Reef is a difficult question – it depends on the size and stability of the boat, the skippers sailing skills and the crew. If you think about reefing, then is probably best you do it.   Reefing can be a boat-saving procedure. It reduces the surface area  ... [read more]
Physics of Sailing

The Physics of Sailing

Sailing is a lot about Physics. Why is it possible, that sailing boats can move towards the wind? What has sailing to do with an airplane or a watermelon? And how wind and sails generate lifts: Good Video (9Min) by KQED Quest explaining it all:    [read more]