Where to Sail: Sailing in the Galapago

Sailing in the Galapagos, Ecuador

  The Galapagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic island around the equator in the Pacific Ocean and islands are located in both the northern and southern hemispheres:  1°40’N-1°36’S, 89°16′-92°01’W.   Do yu like to be face to face with  ... [read more]
Clove Hitch Video

Video (43 Sec): How to Tie a Clove Hitch

A clever and different way how to tie a clove hitch. Video 43 Sec.[read more]
Sun Power & Solar Panel for your devices on your Sailing Boat

Portable Solar Power

  Battery power can be a major concern on a sailing trip and it is good to be independent from regular power source. The conversion of sunlight into electricity becomes more and more popular.   With solar power all kind of different devices can be charged like  ... [read more]

Heavy Weather Sailing Tactics

  What is the best thing to do in a storm or thunderstorm?   There are a lot of different tactics and it depends a lot on the boat and the crew. The most common tactics are:   Shortening sail When the wind has increased, it is time to reef the sails. This is  ... [read more]