Video (55 Sec) : How to Tie a Bowline – differently

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Where to Sail: Cape Horn

Cape Horn: A Challange Even for the Best Sailors

  Cape Horn loved and hated by seaman over the last four hundred years. Cape Horn was a pivotal point in the Drake Passage, the most popular trade route for ships passing between the Atlantic and the Pacific from the 1700 to the early 1900s. Cape Horn takes its name  ... [read more]

The Good Old Magnetic Compass

  The Chinese invented the compass by around 1110. It improved the safety and efficiency of sailing greatly. The dry mariner’s compass was invented in Europe around 1300. It consists of a freely pivoting needle on a pin enclosed in a little box with a glass cover  ... [read more]

Has your tablet a GPS?

Do you like to use your mobile tablet for navigation?   If yes you need a GPS. Not all tablets have.   Download digital charts and track your route with your iPad or any other mobile device can be quite convenient. Make sure before you go on your next sailing trip  ... [read more]
Sailing in Baja California

Sailing in Baja California Sur, Mexico

  Baja California is a peninsula that extends 660 miles south of California border. It’s bounded on the east by the *Sea of Cortez (or Gulf of California), which separates the peninsula from the rest of Mexico. To the west is the Pacific.   The Sea of Cortes  ... [read more]

Welcome on Board: Join

Looking for a warm place to stay? Connect with sailors worldwide now. Our beta version is online only a few days.  We welcome not only our many fans from Facebook but everybody coming across this platform and joining us on this exciting journey. Be among the first to open a  ... [read more]