How to Tie a Fast Bowline

How to Tie a Fast Bowline

Sailing Knots-Video: 0.53 Min by Steve Colgate How to Tie a Fast Bowline  [read more]

Dolphins: Social and Playful

Dolphins are often regarded as one of Earth’s most intelligent animals. They are also very social and can establish strong bonds like staying with an injured, even helping them to breath by bringing them to the surface if needed. The «Moko» Dolphin in New Zealand has  ... [read more]

How to Treat Motion Sickness

Between 33%  and 66 % of people are susceptible to motion sickness, depending on being on a boat in calm or rough conditions. One aspect of motion sickness is the fact, that the body tries to resolve the conflict between vision and balance: feeling motion but not seeing it.  ... [read more]
Mobile Applications for sailors?

Mobile Applications for Sailors

Mobile Applications have become very popular. Next to «Native Applications» like the ones listed in the iTunes Store,  «Mobile-Web-Application», based on HTML have become quite popular. Both technologies have in comment, that they bring applications from the desktop to your  ... [read more]