How to Reef Mainsail

How to Reef

When to Reef is a difficult question – it depends on the size and stability of the boat, the skippers sailing skills and the crew. If you think about reefing, then is probably best you do it.   Reefing can be a boat-saving procedure. It reduces the surface area  ... [read more]
Physics of Sailing

The Physics of Sailing

Sailing is a lot about Physics. Why is it possible, that sailing boats can move towards the wind? What has sailing to do with an airplane or a watermelon? And how wind and sails generate lifts: Good Video (9Min) by KQED Quest explaining it all:    [read more]
Jellyfish and Planktons

Plankton – Millions of it in a Teaspoon of Sea Water

What is Plankton? Let’s try to keep it simple. Its …. … an animal, plant or a bacteria … breakfast, lunch and dinner for fishes and whales ….a drifting organism that inhabits the ocean, sea or bodies of fresh water ….its mostly flows  ... [read more]
Sailing Antarctica

Sailing Antarctica

A very adventures part of the world for sailors is the continent Antarctica. Nearly twice the size of Australia, it is covered 98 % by ice, that averages at least 1 mile in thickness. It is the coldest, driest and windiest continent. During the winter months, temperatures  ... [read more]

How to Tie a Sheet Bend

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Stingray in deep water

Deep Ocean Mysteries

8:28 Video by TEDEducation about the deepest, darkest parts of the oceans with more diversity than a tropical rainforest. What we know about the ocean? Not very much. But enough to see how amazingly wonderful it is.[read more]
Perpetaul Ocean

Surface Currents of the Ocean

The Visualization from the Nasa «Perpetual Ocean» shows the Ocean Currents from June 2005 to December 2007    [read more]
Hydra, Greece

Hydra: A Sailors Delight in Greece

Hydra is one of the Saronic Islands in Greece you should visit when sailing somewhere near the Aegean Sea. There is one main town with a crescent-shaped harbour, with restaurants, shops, galleries and markets. Garbage trucks are the only motor vehicles on the island. Donkey,  ... [read more]
Cooking on a sailing Boat

Cooking on a Sailing Boat

«The Captain is the Cook». I am sure you agree, that there is no such thing as a good sailing trip without good food. There is nothing like enjoying a nicely prepared meal after a great sailing day.   However – cooking on a boat is not as easy as cooking at home.  ... [read more]

Easter Regattas

Easter, for many sailors the time to clean the boat and hit the water. Some for racing reasons. Easter Regattas are popular all over the world. Here a small list of some regattas taking place somewhen between 6th April and 12th April 2012:   (for a much longer list of  ... [read more]
Sailing in the Southern Ocean

How to Dress when Sailing in the Southern Ocean

The PUMA Volvo Ocean Team: Leg 5, New Zealand to Brazil: Souttern Ocean Half Way. What Sailing Dress do they wear?  [read more]

«Ready to Jibe»

A jibe or gybe is a sailing maneuver where a sailing vessel turns its stern through the wind, such that the wind direction changes from one side of the boat to the other. In this maneuver, the mainsail will cross the center of the boat while the jib is pulled to the other  ... [read more]
Places to Sail: Croatia - Hvar

Best Places to Sail: Croatia

Croatia with over 1200 islands is a fantastic place for sailors to explore. It offers quiet deserted bays and anchorages as well as lively cosmopolitan towns with amazing cultural heritage such as Hvar (seen on picture above).   Croatia has a rich history were Latin,  ... [read more]
How to Tie a Fast Bowline

How to Tie a Fast Bowline

Sailing Knots-Video: 0.53 Min by Steve Colgate How to Tie a Fast Bowline  [read more]
Underwater Cameras for sailors

Waterproof Cameras

Do you sometimes leave your deck to discover life under water? A waterproof camera might be a good companion. The choice is yours:   Canon PowerShot D10 A quite bulky version of a waterproof camera, good to use when wearing gloves underwater, but less suitable as an  ... [read more]

Dolphins: Social and Playful

Dolphins are often regarded as one of Earth’s most intelligent animals. They are also very social and can establish strong bonds like staying with an injured, even helping them to breath by bringing them to the surface if needed. The «Moko» Dolphin in New Zealand has  ... [read more]

Welcome on Board: Join

Looking for a warm place to stay? Connect with sailors worldwide now. Our beta version is online only a few days.  We welcome not only our many fans from Facebook but everybody coming across this platform and joining us on this exciting journey. Be among the first to open a  ... [read more]